A couple of examples of material files for a Modded Metal, a Vanilla Gem, and an Alloy.
Example 1: Aluminum [Modded Metal]
"id": "aluminum",
"source": "modded",
"localizedName": "Aluminum",
"processedTypes": [
"properties": {
"materialType": "metal",
"harvestLevel": 2,
"isBurnable": true,
"burnTime": 1600,
"isEmissive": true,
"hasOxidization": true
"colors": {
"fluidColor": "c5dbed",
"materialColor": "c5dbed",
"oxidizationColor": "781c22"
"gas": {
"isBurnable": true,
"burnTime": 40,
"energyDensity": 200,
"isRadioactive": true,
"radioactivity": 0.5,
"isCoolant": true,
"coolantType": "heated",
"thermalEnthalpy": 0.4,
"conductivity": 0.7
"compat": {
"create": true,
"occultism": false,
"mekanism": true
Example 2: Lapis Lazuli [Vanilla Gem]
"id": "lapis",
"source": "vanilla",
"localizedName": "Lapis Lazuli",
"disableDefaultOre": true,
"processedTypes": [
"properties": {
"materialType": "gem",
"harvestLevel": 1
"oreDrop": {
"drop": "minecraft:lapis_lazuli",
"min": 4,
"max": 9
Example 3: Brass [Alloy]
"id": "brass",
"source": "modded",
"localizedName": "Brass",
"processedTypes": [
"properties": {
"materialType": "alloy",
"harvestLevel": 2
"colors": {
"fluidColor": "b5a642",
"materialColor": "b5a642"
"compat": {
"thermal": true,
"mekanism": false,
"ars_novea": false
A couple of examples of material compat files for a Thermal Expansion, and Create.
Example1: Iridium [Thermal Expansion - Ore and Raw]
"id": "iridium",
"recipes" : [
"mod": "thermal",
"machine": "pulverizer",
"values": [
"type": "ore",
"output": [
{ "item": "emendatusenigmatica:iridium_dust", "count": 2, "chance": 0.25 },
{ "item": "minecraft:gravel", "count": 1, "chance": 0.35 }
"type": "raw",
"output": [
{ "item": "emendatusenigmatica:diamond_dust", "count": 1, "chance": 0.35 }
"mod": "thermal",
"machine": "induction_smelter",
"values": [
"type": "ore",
"output": [
{ "item": "minecraft:gold_nugget", "count": 4, "chance": 0.25 }
Example2: Steel [Thermal Expansion - Alloy]
"id": "steel",
"recipes" : [
"mod": "thermal",
"machine": "induction_smelter",
"values": [
"type": "alloy",
"input": [
{ "item": "minecraft:iron_ingot", "count": 2 },
{ "item": "minecraft:coal", "count": 8 }
"output": [
{ "item": "emendatusenigmatica:iron_dust", "count": 1, "chance": 0.15 }
Example 3: Silver [Create - Ore and Crushed Ore]
"id": "silver",
"recipes" : [
"mod": "create",
"machine": "crushing_wheels",
"values": [
"type": "ore",
"output": [
{ "item": "emendatusenigmatica:crushed_silver_ore", "count": 3, "chance": 0.25 },
{ "item": "minecraft:sand", "count": 1, "chance": 0.65 }
"mod": "create",
"machine": "fan_washing",
"values": [
"type": "crushed_ore",
"output": [
{ "item": "emendatusenigmatica:gold_dust", "count": 2, "chance": 0.75 }
A couple of examples of strata files for a Modded, and a Vanilla type.
Example 1: Minecraft Sand [Vanilla Type]
"id": "minecraft_sand",
"baseTexture": "minecraft:block/sand",
"suffix": "sand",
"fillerType": "minecraft:sand",
"localizedName": "Sand",
"harvestTool": "shovel",
"hardness": 0.5,
"resistance": 0.7
Example 2: Undergarden Depthrock [Modded Type]
"id": "undergarden_depthrock",
"baseTexture": "undergarden:block/depthrock",
"suffix": "depthrock",
"fillerType": "undergarden:depthrock",
"localizedName": "Depthrock",
"sampleStrata": true
A couple of examples of deposit files for a Vanilla, a Sphere, and a Geode.
Example 1: Uranium [Vanilla Deposit]
"type": "emendatusenigmatica:vanilla_deposit",
"dimension": "minecraft:overworld",
"biomes": [
"registryName": "vanilla_overworld_uranium_ore_deposit",
"config": {
"material": "uranium",
"fillerTypes": [
"chance": 10,
"size": 16,
"minYLevel": 60,
"maxYLevel": 128,
"placement": "uniform",
"rarity": "rare"
Example 2: Galena [Sphere Deposit]
"type": "emendatusenigmatica:sphere_deposit",
"dimension": "minecraft:the_nether",
"biomes": [
"registryName": "sphere_nether_galena_deposit",
"config": {
"blocks": [
"material": "lead",
"weight": 10
"tag": "forge:ores/silver",
"weight": 3
"fillerTypes": [
"chance": 10,
"radius": 16,
"minYLevel": 32,
"maxYLevel": 128,
"generateSamples": true,
"sampleBlocks": [
{ "material": "lead", "weight": 1 , "strata": "minecraft_netherrack" },
{ "material": "silver", "weight": 2, "strata": "minecraft_basalt" }
Example 3: Vanilla Metal in the Undergarden [Geode Deposit]
"type": "emendatusenigmatica:geode_deposit",
"dimension": "undergarden:undergarden",
"biomes": [
"registryName": "geode_undergarden_vanilla_ore_deposit",
"config": {
"outerShellBlocks": [
"block": "minecraft:basalt",
"weight": 10
"block": "minecraft:obsidian",
"weight": 3
"innerShellBlocks": [
"block": "minecraft:blackstone",
"weight": 10
"block": "minecraft:tuff",
"weight": 3
"innerBlocks": [
"block": "minecraft:iron_ore",
"weight": 10
"tag": "forge:ores/copper",
"weight": 3
"material": "gold",
"weight": 3
"fillBlocks": [
"block": "minecraft:air",
"weight": 10
"clusters": [
"fillerTypes": [
"chance": 10,
"crackChance": 0.62,
"minYLevel": 32,
"maxYLevel": 128
Example 4: Zinc [Dense Deposit]
"type": "emendatusenigmatica:dense_deposit",
"dimension": "minecraft:overworld",
"biomes": [
"registryName": "dense_lead_overworld_deposit",
"config": {
"blocks": [
"material": "lead",
"weight": 10
"fillerTypes": [
"chance": 10,
"size": 16,
"minYLevel": -16,
"maxYLevel": 128,
"generateSamples": true,
"sampleBlocks": [
{ "material": "lead", "weight": 1 , "strata": "minecraft_gravel" }
Example 5: Arcane [Dike Deposit]
"type": "emendatusenigmatica:dike_deposit",
"dimension": "minecraft:overworld",
"biomes": [
"registryName": "dike_arcane_overworld_deposit",
"config": {
"blocks": [
"tag": "#forge:ores/arcane",
"weight": 2
"fillerTypes": [
"chance": 10,
"size": 16,
"minYLevel": -16,
"maxYLevel": 128,
"generateSamples": true,
"sampleBlocks": [
{ "tag": "#forge:ores/arcane", "weight": 1 }
Last updated