
Note: EE does not come with any pre-configured strata, and therefore creation of strata should be completely done by the modpack developer from scratch.

  • Locate the emendatusenigmatica\strata config folder inside the root config folder.

  • Create a *.json file inside this folder for each strata you wish to add to the game.

Below you will find a more detailed break down of the Strata Data object, and a brief explanation of each data field. An example of a complete strata file can be found here.

Strata Core module:

"id": string // example: "id": "granite"

Used for all registry naming conventions, and should be a unique identifier for each strata.

"baseTexture": string // example: "baseTexture": "minecraft:block/granite"

A Resource Location string of the strata type's texture.

"suffix": string // example: "suffix": "granite"

Used for ore registry and data generation of that specific strata.

"fillerType": string // example: "fillerType": "minecraft:granite"

Used to determine a list of Strata for each ore generation feature.

"localizedName": string // example: "localizedName": "Granite"

Used for the generation of the lang (en_us) entries of the strata-based ores.

"harvestTool": string // example: "harvestTool": "pickaxe"

Determines the harvest tool requirement for the strata ore block. Only Vanilla tools are accepted, and they are the following: pickaxe axe hoe shovel

"hardness": float // example: "hardness": 0.5

Determines the hardness of the strata ore block.

"resistance": float // example: "resistance": 0.7

Determines the resistance of the strata ore block.

"sampleStrata": boolean // example: "sampleStrata": true

Determines whether this Strata should be used for Ore Surface Samples.

Last updated